After returning from Australia I got to work on a fun little project for a couple of my favorite journalists Jim and Rick who are retiring from the Spokesman-Review. Jim is an avid flyfisherman and loves cutthroat trout and Rick is a salmon guy. Although I had a few ideas to go on...when they opened their gifts at the retirement party last night, the final paintings ,commissioned by the Spokesman-Review, were a surprise. Link to a nice write up in the Spokesman's outdoor blog
Here are the very nice thank you emails I received from them today. "Just hung the painting and it looks great - toasting it with a Winterfish ale, to be followed by the salmon dinner we deferred from last night since the retirement afterparty went so late. Had lots of compliments on it, one of my fellow retirees who got an iPad said he wished he would have thought of something more creative instead. So thanks again, and have a great rest of the holiday season - Rick"
"I LOVE it. It's perfect. It captures exactly the feeling I wanted. Both pieces were a big hit at our party and you have a few hundred new admirers. I couldn't have dreamed up a better retirement present." -Jim
This is why I love my job!